James Joseph Riehle (known to us at LSP as Deacon Jim) has been volunteering on a weekly basis for some time now. All in preparation of his ordination.
His dream of becoming a priest was finally realized this past Saturday, May 17, 2014 when he was ordained by the Catholic Church as Father James Joseph Riehle.
We were very honored and humbled when he asked to say his first Mass here at St. Paul’s Home. He asked of us, “Please pray for me and for all priests that we may be worthy to serve at the Altar of God.
St. Francis of Assisi said, “Behold, just as Jesus humbled himself when He came down from His heavenly throne into the Virgin’s womb every day He comes to us Himself. Every day He descends from the Father into the hands of His priest at the altar.” Fr. Jim chose to put this quote on his prayer card, and we feel it sums it all up.
God bless Fr. Jim!
Deacon Jim … Now Father Jim!