St. Paul’s Home Men’s Group recently welcomed Jay Fagel who had a special photo to share.
Jay owns an original print of “Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima” – often cited as the most reproduced photograph in history.
The print was made from the original roll of film capturing the moment; it was processed by a family member of Jay’s who was a photographer and film developer in World War II.
During Jay’s visit some of the members of St. Paul’s Home Men’s Group shared their experiences in the military, including during the 1940s.
Everyone could relate to how World War II changed the way we live, including:
- The manufacturing of war vehicles, clothing and supplies sparked urban growth as families relocated from small towns and farms.
- Spam and other foods developed for ration kits found their way to store shelves; canned convenience foods were followed by frozen meals and dried food products like Tang.
- The need to put basic materials into the war effort inspired the invention of new materials: plastic wrap became a substitute for aluminum foil, cardboard milk and juice cartons replaced glass bottles, and plywood emerged as a substitute for scarce metals.
The next time you are with parents or grandparents ask them how world events impacted them: What was it like when your father or spouse left for the war? How did it feel when Neil Armstrong landed on the moon? What are the biggest changes or inventions you’ve seen in your life?
Listen to their stories. See things through their eyes.
Men’s Group welcomes Special Guest to mark 70th Anniversary