We sat down to have a chat with Genevieve and her family this year on her 100th birthday. Between sips of their Rootbeer floats, we asked the following questions …
Where were you born and raised?
I was born and raised in Oshkosh, Wisconsin on April 2, 1915. I am now 100 years old!
Tell us about your family…
I am an only child, so I was happy to have my 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls. My husband, Robert, and I met on the lake in Wisconsin. He came up from Cincinnati one time on vacation with some friends (He grew up there and was also going to college). We met at the lake and had a long distance relationship until we were married in January of 1937. He had just opened up a pharmacy downtown near the river and we lived in the apartment upstairs. Then the big flood came and our business was underwater. We lived on flashlight and candy for a while. My husband had luckily parked the car up the hill so it was not lost and we could still get fresh water! We had a great view of everything floating down the Ohio.
Where did you go to school?
I went to St. Vincent for elementary, Oshkosh public high school, and then to nursing school.
What kind of work did you do?
We were married soon after I graduated nursing school, so I spent most of my time raising our children, working in the elementary school with the PTA, and helping out at church. I remember church festivals where we ladies would go out to the farm to make all the food from scratch then serve it and wash all the dishes. Lots of hard work, but it was for the church. I did go to work when my husband entered the Navy in WWII. I moved myself and the children up to Wisconsin to be with my mother and I worked while she watched the children.
Why did you decide to come live at LSP?
I had a friend who used to volunteer here, plus my granddaughter used to work here. So, I thought I’d love it too, and I do.
What do you like to do for fun?
I used to play piano, and taught my children to play as well. I loved to spend vacations at the lake, swimming or boating.
Thank you to Genevieve and her family!
Newest LSP Centenarian, Genevieve Scheidt!