By: Karen Amend, Development Director
“Why should I carry those bags in the house, Mom, when none of them is for me?” I heard my young granddaughter say. It reminded me that gratitude is something we learn as we grow older and begin to realize that we live and love and breathe in connection with others. This is where gratitude begins.
The Little Sisters of the Poor live in the awareness that we depend on the goodness of others, and appreciate all the contributions they receive. They recognize that all goods are gifts from God and trust in God’s Providence and the generosity of others to provide for needs. This is the first step in becoming grateful.
Is it possible to be grateful for unpleasant events, sadness or irritations that come along?
Yes. It depends on where we are in Gratitude School. Have you been annoyed to be stuck in traffic only to learn that by being delayed, you avoided being involved in a car wreck? In the moment, it’s irritating and frustrating. As we advance in the classes of acceptance and love, we can perhaps practice gratitude for the opportunity to learn patience and gratitude for avoiding harm.
Each of us is God’s unique way of bringing more love and light into the world. We live and love in relationship with our God, ourselves and with others. Gratitude is the keen awareness of our place in the human family.
“…and the greatest of these is love.” 1 Corinthians 13:13.
Lessons in Gratitute