By Karen Amend, Development Director
Ah-h, Spring. Beautiful tulips, daffodils, hyacinths burst forth in their majesty of color.
What is it about witnessing the spring creation of God’s grandeur that is so enlivening, so refreshing for our souls and our lives?
Perhaps it is the repeatable cycles of the season that we have learned to trust. Every year, sometimes early, sometimes, late, we can count on Spring coming ‘round. Spring’s reliability brings with it a sense of hope. There is something special about the lime green leaves on trees or the broken ground of hyacinths. They can’t wait to reach to the light after a long, cold winter of being in a close, quiet place of soil and solitude.
Could it be that the fresh signs of life in Spring remind us of our own life journey. There are times when we may feel alone, buried by sorrows or hurts or the heaviness of everyday life. Will this winter of life ever end? At times, like Jesus, we may feel alone and in pain.
Then as we wonder and yearn, the season turns and the light of Spring and God’s presence call us to break forth in hope. Just like the tulip, each one of us has within, the divine potential of growing into the person we are called to be, created in the image and likeness of God. The warmth and light of Spring calls us to our own resurrection, a new beginning, along with the trees, tulips, daffodils and hyacinths. We trust the reliability of the season. It seems to come every year. Every day is a new beginning. Every breath is a new beginning. In our hearts and in our lives, we can trust that Spring is a new beginning too.
Spring is a New Beginning