Our annual Christmas Boutique was a complete success this year! There were record sales and record numbers of people coming through our doors to support the home and our Residents make our hearts soar.
People came out in droves to purchase homemade soups, crocheted or knitted items, quilted goods, baked goodies, and handmade crafts. We also had a quilt silent auction and a doll house raffle.
One shopper told us, “I look forward to this sale every year. There are so many wonderful things to look at and buy!” Another shopper came back on the second day of the sale saying, “I went home and brought my husband back this time to finish our Christmas shopping!”
The money raised will help support the Activities Department in 2015, providing gas for the bus, ice cream socials and outings, entertainment and so much more.
Thank you to everyone who helped make items, volunteered, or came to shop. We could not have done it without you. You are all blessings to The Little Sisters.
God bless you all!
Christmas Boutique, Great Success!